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Transitioning from Supported Accommodation to a Supported Independent Living home

Bob*, 58, had recently transitioned to Thornfields Supported Living Homes after 15 years at Avalon Village (a Level 3 Supported Accommodation).

Bob lives with an intellectual disability and schizophrenia. He is easily agitated and gets frustrated due to his limited communication skills, which highly impacts his ability to interact with others.

He finally received his NDIS plan late last year. One of his goals is to live more independently, develop strategies to manage his behaviours, and increase his confidence.

Karyn, Thornfields' SIL Homes Manager, observed that Bob's behaviour has improved, and is more relaxed since the move. He now shares a house with someone he knows, another former resident of Avalon Village.

"Bob was not engaging much with the other residents at Avalon Village and found it hard to form or maintain friendships."

"He was always in his room as he didn't like people. He also didn't like football games as it is loud and much preferred one-on-one interactions. Bob also liked things to be clean and tidy. He particularly hated wet bathroom floors," explained Karyn.

Living in a house meant fewer shared spaces and not having to access communal areas that could trigger his anxieties.

"He likes SIL as it is quieter and also gets the support he needs in a home environment," says Karyn.

"He is currently getting Positive Behavioural Support to help manage his behaviour and is in the transition phase. He would now have meals with his housemate or sit with him in the lounge room to watch tv. This is a big improvement," added Karyn.

Bob likes going on long drives and bowling for his weekly community access. He also enjoys listening to music which he can now do wherever and whenever he wants in his own home!

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*Client name has been changed to protect his identity


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