Updates and Information
21 September 2022
Updated for Disability Accommodation Services located across Queensland
It remains mandatory for visitors and workers to wear a face mask at all times in an indoor space that is, or is part of, shared disability accommodation. More detailed information about this Public Health Direction can be found here.
Additionally, a diagnosed person must not enter and remain in a vulnerable facility during the post-isolation period (5 days after the end of their isolation period). More detailed information about this Public Health Direction can be found here.
15 January 2022
Updated for Disability Accommodation Services located across Queensland
All visitors or staff entering a disability service SHOULD NOT BE anyone who:
is unwell
had been diagnosed with COVID-19
is in home quarantine, unless granted an exemption
has returned from overseas in the last 14 days (excluding safe travel zone countries), unless granted an exemption
has been in a restricted area in the last 14 days, unless the person works at the accommodation service or another exemption applies
lives in the same household as someone who has been in a restricted area in the last 14 days, unless the person works at the accommodation service or another exemption applies
is a close or secondary contact of a person with COVID-19 in the last 14 days, unless their quarantine period has ended
is unvaccinated and not visiting for a permitted purpose. Permitted purposes include:
under 16 years of age; or
unable to receive a COVID-19 vaccination because of a medical contraindication and has evidence of a recognised medical contraindication; or
is a COVID-19 vaccine trial participant, and receipt of a Therapeutic Goods Administration approved COVID-19 vaccine would impact the validity of the trial. The medical certificate must not have expired.
visiting a resident of shared disability accommodation service for one of the following purposes:
end of life visit; or
in an emergency
a parent, carer, guardian or other responsible adult who is accompanying a resident; or
a carer or support person who provides assistance or other caring responsibilities, including advocacy services, to the person who is a resident; or.
is permitted to enter as an unvaccinated worker in healthcare under the Workers in a Healthcare Setting (COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements) Direction.
has had a COVID-19 PCR test and are waiting for the result (except for tests due to surveillance testing obligations)
has COVID-19 symptoms of fever (37.5 degrees or more), cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, loss of smell or taste, runny nose, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting or fatigue.
You may enter a disability accommodation service if you do not fit into any of the above categories.
To limit the spread of COVID-19, visitors should:
wash their hands before entering and leaving the service
stay 1.5 metres away from others where possible
stay in the resident’s room, outside or in a specific area (avoiding communal spaces)
stay away when unwell
follow requests from the service to help keep staff and residents safe.
For full details read the Disability Accommodation Services Direction.
29 June 2021
What’s changed from 1am AEST 29 June 2021
Visitors are restricted to disability accommodation services within the restricted Local Government Areas of:
City of Brisbane
City of Ipswich
Logan City
Moreton Bay Region
Redland City
Sunshine Coast
Gold Coast City
Noosa Shire
Somerset Region
Lockyer Valley Region
Scenic Rim Region
Despite these restrictions, persons may enter a restricted disability accommodation service if they are:
an employee, contractor or student of the facility
providing goods or services necessary for the facility’s operation
providing health, medical, personal care, essential disability support or pharmaceutical services to a resident
visiting an end of life resident
required for emergency management, law enforcement or to comply with an order of any court or tribunal of Australia
a prospective resident
providing behavioural, emotional or social support to a resident – with permission of the facility’s operator.
Any person (other than a resident) permitted to enter a restricted facility must not enter, or remain on, the premises without wearing a single use surgical face mask. A person does not have to wear a mask if it will create a risk to their health or safety.
Restricted disability accommodation services
Visitors are restricted to disability accommodation services within the restricted Local Government Areas of:
City of Brisbane
City of Ipswich
Logan City
Moreton Bay Region
Redland City
Sunshine Coast
Gold Coast City
Noosa Shire
Somerset Region
Lockyer Valley Region
Scenic Rim Region
These restrictions include:
No personal visitors – including care and support visitors – are allowed to enter
Only people providing an essential purpose will be allowed to enter
End of life visits will still be allowed
Anyone entering a facility must wear a single use surgical face mask.
1 April 2021
Visitor Restrictions and Greater Brisbane Restrictions
From 12pm (midday) AEST Thursday 1 April 2021 to Thursday 15 April 2021, restrictions will ease in greater Brisbane. All of Queensland will be subject to the same restrictions.
Visitors to aged care facilities, disability accommodation services, hospitals and correctional facilities are restricted across the state.
You must carry a face mask with you at all times when you leave home, unless you have a lawful reason not to.
You must wear a mask in indoor spaces.
It is strongly recommended you wear a mask when outdoors if you are unable to stay more than 1.5m distance from other people, such as busy walkways and thoroughfares.
Masks do not need to be worn in some circumstances, including children under 12 years, if you have certain medical conditions, and in workplaces where it is not safe to do so.
You can remove your mask to consume food or drink.
To prevent the spread of COVID-19:
Stay home if you are sick
If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, no matter how mild, get tested
Stay 1.5 metres away from other people—think two big steps
Wash your hands with soap and water, or hand sanitiser
Leave a location if it is crowded.
For full details read the Disability Accommodation Services Direction.
29 March 2021
Greater Brisbane 3-day Lockdown
In line with Queensland Government's advice, the greater Brisbane region will now be subjected to new restrictions from 5pm AEST Monday 29 March 2021 to 5pm AEST Thursday 1 April 2021.
Impacted areas include:
City of Brisbane
City of Ipswich
Logan City
Moreton Bay Region
Redland City
You will be required to stay at home except for the following reasons:
Work, or volunteering, or study if it is not reasonably practicable to work or learn remotely
Shopping for essentials, food and necessary supplies
Medical or healthcare needs, including compassionate requirements
Exercise with no more than one other person, unless all from the same household
Providing care or assistance to an immediate family member
Child custody arrangements
Legal obligations
Visit for end of life
Attend funeral or wedding in line with restrictions
To prevent the spread of COVID-19:
Stay home if you are sick
If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, no matter how mild, get tested
Stay 1.5 metres away from other people—think two big steps
Wash your hands with soap and water, or hand sanitiser
Leave a location if it is crowded.
For full details read the Disability Accommodation Services Direction.